okay soooo... remember a long time ago when i had a baby? yeah... so that kinda made my life a little crazy for the last six months. well, that AND i got an Iphone so i've been checking my email and life on there a lot more which means i'm on my computer less which means i wasn't inclined to update my blog. BUT.... i am back. so there. i will be more on top of this again.
here has what has happened in the last six months...
enos applied for a GPR program (General Practice Residency) after school ends in June... yes THIS JUNE! we find out this weekend where he gets accepted.
lucas began speech therapy for his delayed speech development
elliot is happier and sweeter than i could have ever imagined.
k... i'm not gonna bore you with back story and such. i'll just keep on top of it for now on. k coolness. here are some pictures to show you whats been going on. :)