Monday, March 23, 2009

Small window of time....

....before he wakes up... he's been this way all day!!! so here are some more photos.
He hated and i mean HATED his amby bed.. i think he slept in it... hmmm maybe a week? SOOO...

from this....

to this....

i know they aren't monster sheets but i liked them a lot. They're from Ikea... just like his bed.

and then a random sleeper picture

Plus... his room...finally...until we move.

and here's why i don't take a picture of the WHOLE room usually.
poor lucas... sharing his room with the eliptical.


Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

oh my gosh!!!!! Aren't u afraid all those shelves are gonna fall on Lucas in the night?? Please b careful with my baby.

Tara said...

I'm so glad you got that bed, it is perfect! Amby isn't for everyone, sorry it didn't work out. His shared room looks soOOO cool!

raschel said...

his room really does look cozy. it's adorable. does he like to sleep on his side? i should try that w/ m....i was always afraid she'd die if she wasn't on her back, so, to this day, i swaddle her really tight and tuck a blanket into both sides of the bed to keep her in place. she's basically stapled to her bed. but, she sleeps through the night, so i don't think i'm gonna change a thing. i know my next one will be a heathen and will get me back. i remember the tired, exhausted nights will get better soon!! is he on reflux medicine?

Unknown said...

I love his little room!!!

David and Teresa said...

My my my Jessica has become a worry wart. Shelves falling on Lucas??? Several years ago she would have laughed at me if I had said that. hahahahaha...I love it. I think the room is cute AND who wouldn't want to share the room with an elliptical? Cute cute pics. I especially loved the one of him on his sheets sleeping on his side. That is my baby.