Tuesday, November 23, 2010

take it off, tuesday...

pictures off of my phone that is... here they are...

dinner is served.. lucas' new favorite spot to do EVERYTHING.

what's this?
draw away little man... i love that crayons are washable now.. like how freakin' cool is that? this WILL be a daily activity i'm sure probably more for me than him.
note: the monster getting kicked in the crotch by the table.

just woke up.. put my fingers through my hair... NO PRODUCT... it just stayed that way all morning. i love naturally crispy hair. don't you? (shaking my head)

well hello there sharky. that belly looks like a donut.. i think i'll eat it.

at least twice a day he likes to put this plastic construction hat on. We got it with his tool set for free... because we stole them on accident... guess that's what happens when you don't label things at the thrift store. he makes me wear one too. we rock it.

before he discovered the laundry basket he used to think in the box... a shipping box.

then i made it fancy with some blankets...
note: the pointed toes.

and lastly.. this week's phone videos.
do you ever watch a video and think.. wow.. i'm annoying? yeah.. i did that with BOTH of these.
turn the volume down or you'll punch the screen. i promise.

you might wanna turn this one down.. i scream like a banshee. sorry.



Luis Merino said...

I think your son, and the 2 year old version of myself, would have been really good friends.

Jules said...

I think every single one of these pictures is funny--now that is saying something. Go you and your funny kid!

A Beautiful Life said...

um, the 2nd pic of the artsy tables he is staring at a turned off tv. freaky poltergeist! but i do love artistic expression.
hey, crispy hair rules. at least you're not balding like me. pssh.
and while he's tucked-in nicely in his box, just seal it up and send him my way. gracias.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

i've never thought about putting isaak or gus in the laundry basket to eat. how genius. i may try that.

ur hair looks awesome. ur camo hunting shirt? not so much.

how far along is lucas? i didn't even know he was expecting. how exciting.

also. why didn't i think of a fancy name like tuesday take outs? i'm gay. thats why. i'm frickin gay.

see u next week. FOR REAL!!! or. kinda.

Unknown said...

Sitting in empty containers, of all sizes and functions, that's brilliant. What an excellent use of empty space. I'm going to go make dinner and sit in one of our empty suitcases. Oh...yeah...

Super jealous that you can pull off the feaux hawk. I was never ballsy enough to try it and my man said he would consider ditching me. But let's face it - it was really because I do not have a skinny enough face. You rock it.

Sparkly Kora said...

He looks so cute kora.