Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New baby= new, old car

So Enos and I went to test drive a car last Saturday just to see how we liked the Scion xb... now before you go judging... yes... it's a bit hideous of a car... but i still really like it... i guess i'll attribute it to my love (and buying) of ugly things....most times it doesn't work out... but in this case... it did. We wanted black but were willing to settle since this car was a good deal. It's a 2005 with 46,000 miles on it and it's in really good condition. Anywho... Here are some pictures for you obsessive blog checkers (janae and jessica). Oh and sorry Janae... I keep forgetting to take pictures of my apt when it's clean... mostly because it's never clean. Deal with it.

the hip dash.

lucas' spot in the back (next to enos' lunch)

us inside the new vehicular


raschel said...

very cute and boxy. why isn't there a front license plate?

raschel said...
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David and Teresa said...

Way to go with another Toyota. I am not a big fan of the box car look but since it is a Toyota I can overlook that. Cute. I can see Lucas in it now. Love Dad

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

it matches you and enos. and tell raschelle that only texans need the front plate.

Vagabond Mother said...

I kind of LIKE the maroon, because it is ugly like the car which makes it. . . adorable. How fun. I am so excited and missy for you guys!

P.S. We KNOW your apartment is a mess, no excuse. Post a picture.

Burns Family said...

OK, so I have not seen you in like forever, but this is TOTALLY a Lindsay car. Conrats, now you have two babies ;)

raschel said...

seriously? i had a state trooper be mean and pull me over one time on my why to college station b/c i didn't have a front license plate (except this car didn't have a place for one b/c it was an OLD car..and apparantly those cars are grandfathered in). i think it's silly - who looks at the front anyway? but...i forgot to mention, i do love the aggie maroon (WHOOP!). :)

Unknown said...

I used to have a black Scion xB until I totaled it a month after I bought it brand new! I LOOOOOVED IT! Those are great cars, and I personally think they're SO CUTE. LOVE IT!

Unknown said...

Wait... does this mean you don't still have your Toyota that still smelled the same, even after 6 years?

Stephanie Kelly said...

Love the new Toaster!! So cute and so you!

David and Teresa said...

Lindsay I will tell you what a toyota dealership salesman told me once. I helped him make funeral arrangements for his dad..or was it his mother? Oh well... anywho...I wondered what kind of people purchased those cars and he told me that it was usually people you and Enos' age and those that were "techies" (liked computers alot) Does that fit your description? It does huh? the car is cute...if you would have asked me about a year ago...i would say no I do not like it but they are growing on me and I am kinda liking them now. I think my grandson will like riding in it next to Enos' lunch. Tee HEE


David and Teresa said...

Oh and Pooh.....Toyota is a very dependable car. I love my Camry.

David and Teresa said...

Oh one last comment...sorry...I am in need of being with you tonight.

You and my precious son in law, Enos Heinzen, look cute in it.

See you very soon.
