Saturday, November 22, 2008

I don't care what they say..... I love my cat.

I know what you are thinking... but here's my opinion....if you get one when they are little.. you can't help but fall in love with them. Geoffrey sleeps cute ALL the time but i'm always getting caught trying to photograph him and he wakes up and looks angry... but THIS time... i was able to capture it. Gosh he's precious.


raschel said...

i love that his arm is stretched out over the pillow like a human. he does look very peaceful and HUGE. dang. the last pic makes me want to rub his nose.

David and Teresa said...

I love my grandkitten Geoffrey. How cute is that?

Love Mawmaw

David and Teresa said...

I love my grandkitten Geoffrey. How cute is that?

Love Mawmaw

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

uhmm not a fan. sorry. i feel itchy just looking at him.

Unknown said...

Awe! CUTE!! I like the IDEA of a cat, but not the reality of one. Blah.

Also, I have to say, Jessica's avatar looks like a pot leaf when it's small like that. And, come to think of it, she sometimes sounds a little high... hmmm...

Sarah Heder said...

Dan and I got our cat when he was a kitten too. I was in love with him. Then we had a baby and my feelings changed for him when I brought the baby home. I still like him, but for a long time he just felt in the way. Dan still LOVES our cat. I guess I just LIKE him now. That sounds so mean! So sad, but it's true. I'm curious if anything will change for you when you bring your new baby home.