Friday, July 11, 2008

Yay for my baby!!!

So... i'm super excited because while i've spent almost my whole week over sleeping and gagging at ridiculous things (like the thought of my husband brushing his teeth) i feel a sense of accomplishment because my baby counter just moved!!! my baby doesn't look like a scary alien anymore... he only looks like a cartoon character with a gigantic head!!! yay!!! that's all...


Unknown said...

AWE!! He's a cute little raisin man! Good job growing him thus far!

Tara said...

Yay for tiny Linos! He/she is a cutie in his/her auntie's eye, no matter how big his/her head is! :)

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

Uhmmm...I'm concerned about the size of your baby's head. Have you talked about this with your doctor? that's a little large.

Andrew said...

I wonder how many ears it has.

Drew said...

Yay for babies looking like babies! Well done, Lindsay's womb!