Sooo... i know i haven't posted in a while but really.. i had nothing to say... until NOW... i just want to announce that Enos now has TWO interviews for dental school!!! One at Western University in Pomona, California (next friday) and another one at IU in Indianapolis (november 7). That's all... just wanted to say how excited we are and how great this is since it's the second year we've applied to dental school and nothing really happened the first time around....and yes i say WE because i helped him....so THERE. :).....oh, also... i have to say that my favorite part of this dental school process is the unknown spontaneity of "where are we going to live for the next four years?"...no i'm serious... i love it... it's so something Enos would never do... he's Mr. Planner. but he can't be with this....it's great. :)
Good luck with the interviews!
If it was an election, I'd vote for Pomona! So close! I don't often/ever end up in Indianapolis.
I hope this is the year of the teeth !
P.S. post about your car and your painted house and that sort of thing.
Oooooooooh, good luck with those interviews. I remember when the hubby was going through all of that. Blech! It was stressful, but also a trip because we had no idea where we were going to end up! GO DENTISTS! :p
OH, I hope, I HOPE Pamona works out!!!! I will only be 8 hrs away from Lucas!!! That's all that really matters to me anyway.
ooooh, if you like spontaneity, then you should tell enos to join the marines. that would be interesting.
Enos in the marines, he is to tuff for the marines, he just needs to be a dentist or my mexican lover works too. I think you should go to indiana so we can have a place to stay when we come out to visit the mission folks, well and i guess see you guys. I really dont care where, just get it done so i have a dentist, we dunt huv any insurance and pretty soon we will only need our tooth cleaned instead of our teeth, ya know what i mean. Your white lover
dunt wurry abut the muspulling ok
our keybourd unly has a u
So exciting and GOOD LUCK! But sad at the same time... Utah loves you guys...and we all know Utah needs more people like you guys! People who arnt afraid to talk about ripping their babies heads off and stuff like that...We freakin need to HANG..sometime in this life while you are still here in Utah!!
how exciting! Congratulations! how crazy that you have to interview for school...do they pay to fly him there? i envy your excitement for the unknown. and, i love how you found them on a map and circled them...the less work I have to do to look them up. :) both of those schools are entirely too far from TX.
I am voting for Indianapolis so far. Close to his mission and close to where Teresa grew up. Love Dad
WOW, you are kind of on the sam e page as me. Chris's Company's contract is up with the government soonest(rumor) Jan 1 2009, if he doesn't get a job with the company that is taking over we will be possibly moving else where, but we don't know where, when or with whom.
BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Where is MEMPHIS?! I vote no on both.
I change my vote to. . .
Be a dentist already. Geez.
I am excited about the Indiana place because I am from there and I think that is cool. Not that I think Indiana is the greatest state to live in but well....I just like the idea.
Good Luck Enos...you will do great!
You mutha in law
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