Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lucas has a new lover.

"mom... this is who i am. I love baby owl."

(making out with baby owl.)

"we're really in love. It's serious."


Staci said...

Man I'm really in love...with this lil guy. He is so cute and I'm totally jealous of baby owl..I want some lucas kisses :(.

Goodnight moon said...

So sweet! So now you know, in the middle of the night, when Lucas is "cooing away", he is making sweet talk to his owl friend.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

this reminds u of izey? why because isaak has secret pony and kewpie lovers? maybe i brought some of my bad habit over when i visited and it rubbed off on him from izey.

ps...u think i'll tell what i'm having JUST because ur my sister? HAH. Lest i remind u that i didn't even tell our poor old PARENTS i was pregnant??? I'm evil this pregnancy. truly evil...but won't it be fun for everyone?

Vagabond Mother said...

I think I get in my car and drive to see Lucas and his owl lover tomorrow. The time has come.

Unknown said...

Oh m'goodness! Favorite. Post. Ever. For reals.

The cute pictures. The scandalous affair. The issues of love and acceptance. Riveting.

David and Teresa said...

His checks are red in that second picture. True sign of Love. Dad

David and Teresa said...

Lucas it is ok...Mawmaw loves you "even though." I am just glad you are being you and you are no longer "in the closet" with who you love.

I am calling you Pooh about our Geoffrey. I think I have a solution.

And yes, remember, I was not eventold that my Jess was pregnant. She is a bit evil with this one. Teehee. I really ended up loving the way I found out, though.
