Thursday, February 7, 2008

A public apology to the love of my life...

No no.. i'm not apologizing to Janae...i'm apologizing to my dear husband. He was recently (today) offended by the post I made regarding his "shrieking like a girl." I have to admit that i embellished that enough to entertain... but it IS true that he yells when he goes into that closet when it's cold but it in no way resembles a girlish shriek as i put it. I simple put that because the fact that he mutters anything as he opens the closet door seems a bit funny and slightly feminine to me. Wimpy, if you will. However.. he is not wimpy and is quite strong and manly and i love him for every bit of manliness that he exudes. He has NEVER sounded like a "shrieking girl."


Tara said...

Very sweet of you to write this. But we all know Enos is a Manly-man, so he doesn't need to worry, his image is not tainted. :)

But really, it's nice of you do apologize. I say things ALL the time that I do not realize are potentialy hurtful to my "luv". It ALWAYS seems to be worse when I am under alot of stress and emotional. I am trying to be light-hearted and witty, to help battle my bummer emotions, but it comes out wrong and hurts my sweetheart. I don't know if this happend to everyone, but it sure happens to me! love you!

Vagabond Mother said...

Except for when he sings "Roam" and talks about killing mice. I think it is the excessive use of the word "mouse" and "uterus" together that make him sound like a girl. But would I go on "Crest" dates with a girl? NO! Well, maybe.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

u and enos are in love? u never told me that.

Bill said...

Well...I've always thought that there are different degrees of manliness, a scale if you will. I'm fairly sure Enos falls somewhere on that scale, though I won't speculate as to where. Perhaps a hearty grunt next time you enter the icebox would boost your man rating.
Your caring brother-in-law,

Vagabond Mother said...

LOVE you! Thanks for taking care of Raymond the other day. Doesn't life feel beyond overwhelming lately? I hope we all survive.

Vagabond Mother said...

Enos is still a girl and you still haven't posted. Good thing you are flying to D.C. for one night so you have something to talk about. Also, love your fabric background.

See, double the blog, double the responsibility. So WHAT if you've posted on Penguin, so what.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

I'm ba ba ba ba BORED. Didn't yall take any pictures in VA? What the heck dude, post for crying out loud.