Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Third oldest garment i own.

So this sports bra may look like any average sports bra... except for the fact that it's incredibly ugly... but so what, right? NO. This bra has a very sad first belonged to my sister Jessica in (get this) 8th grade, i believe. Then... she gave it to me. I have had this bra ever since... and sadly... it STILL FITS. If that isn't pathetic, i don't know what is. I put it on this morning to workout and i realized that this is the third oldest thing i own in my closet.. the only thing two things that beat that is a baseball shirt given to my mom when she was of college age that i now wear as an "around the house" shirt. The second oldest being a shirt that was also my mom's that i wore as a dress when i was a toddler. It talks about dying and how when i die i wanna go to Texas. Anyway... just some unimportant, probably uninteresting information i'd let you in on.


Jade said...

Lindsay, you are SO loveable with your little quirks! Miss Sportsbra and Mr Poo-bear were meant for each other!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

i remember that ole chap. i also remember seeing you wear it all the time.

speaking of poo bear, this is austin's new nickname for me as I walk around the house in my g's and the top rises above my belly button...i need maternity g's :(