Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Late Nights at Sensory Sweep

Well.. i'm at my new job right now as i type this and i'm feeling a little out of it. Not tired but out of the loop. I feel like my comments are misunderstood and annoying. When i worked at sandman i felt like everyone got me. Once i stepped into this building i suddenly became awkward and quiet. Yes... ME quiet. Now don't get me wrong i love my new job but it's mostly because i'm so thrilled to be drawing everyday. What made me type this was what happened in the bathroom. A girl walked in and since i'm so eager to get to know people i ask her if the stall she rejected was questionable. She looked at me weird and said, "no, it just didn't have any toilet paper so i'm not going in there." Then i laughed awkwardly and said, "HA. Good reason." STUPID STUPID STUPID lindsay. I feel like i'm in high school again but since i'm married the people i'm trying to meet now are girls so they'll be my friends. I hate being awkward.


Unknown said...

BAH! I hate that. I don't think what you did was stupid though. It just sucks to be a grown up and feel so awkward and out of place. Every time I go to a work conference and have to find people to talk to and sit with, I feel the same way.

It'll get better. Maybe that girl is just too dingy to get your unique and hysterical brand of humor!!

Tara said...

I need to get Bill to comment on this one. It reminds me of the difference he experienced going from military people to the stuffy "dry white toast" in the corporate financial arena here. He would come home and tell me how out of place he felt. He spent so long in an environment with the "brothas", he has developed a bit of sarcastic "soul". But in the office here, no one got his side comments, they looked at him like he was crazy or something. You are not stupid, anymore than Bill has no sense of humor. It's just the people in the office, they are "dry white toast", and it might take a little while to find some more "sharp cheese" (with a bite) like yourself, to make it better. :) Love you!

Stephanie Kelly said...

haha First off..Tara you are too cute with your lil' sayings. But so true. Second, I didn't think what you said was stupid. And third, I totally know how it feels when you are trying to make friends with people, you always feel like you ended up looking or saying something stupid and they think you are weird. But then again who's to say she even thought you were weird. I didn't the first time I met you... although, you prob. thought/think I was weird hahah. I am that weird girl who talks wayyyyy too much and about weird, uncomfortable, inappropriate things..who prob. offends people!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

I think this is funny because this is me any and every where I go. I constantly feel like no one "gets" me. I think our humor is just so different and HILARIOUS that people aren't smart enough to grasp what we're saying. dumb freaks...what the heck.

Vagabond Mother said...

You should have peed on the floor. It works for Olivia #1.

Laurel said...

So, Lindsey, pee is basically very sterile and you could tan a deer hide with it if there was a need. I, however, would be clueless as to how. The clueless me also just deleted the message regarding talking to your new landlord. SOOOO sorry! Please call us again and give us the number. Thanks!

Laurel said...

Also, if you had not worked late and had come for me at the airport, you probably would not have had this conversation. I could have saved you! It is also questionable that your co-worker can define questionable.

Vagabond Mother said...

Um, is the orphan artwork thing fake? Because I really don't want another thing to worry about. Why did you take it down?