Sunday, March 30, 2008

They learned about fish but i learned about pee.

As i've told many of you Enos and I teach sunbeams (3-4 yr olds) at church. Our lesson was "i am thankful for fish." Usually it's a pretty mild mannered group(with the occasional outburst) and today would have been the same... until... olivia #1 ( have two olivia's in my class) said, "i have to go potty." and so immediately olivia #2 had to go too. So i took them both. I've taken them to the bathroom before and everything was okay. They do their thing and then i help them wash their hands. Well today, olivia #1 told me too late... by the time she got to the stall and locked the door... she began peeing before she sat down...suddenly i hear a tiny sweet voice say, "oh no lindsay! I went pee pee on the floor!!" I was like... ew. and OH crap. Right as olivia #2 got out of the bathroom, olivia #1 was telling me how she couldn't get out. Now, if you've ever been in a church bathroom they all have the same locks...the outside has that little slit in it so if you have finger nails you could probably get it open... but this door was quite stuck.... i was going to have her crawl under the door but there was pee all over and she'd have to crawl right through it... so there was only one thing i thought of at the moment... i'm gonna have to clean up that pee. GROSS. Luckily her stall was near the drain on the floor so i took a big wad of paper towels and swept the pee to the drain....occasionally getting pee on my hands as i did so. Olivia #1 watched in horror. She kept saying, "ew. that's really gross." I was like, "yeah... you're right. It is." then once i got it cleaned up enough i crouched under the door and helped olivia #1 out. I was like... "you need to pull up your pants." She just looked at me with a sad expression and said, "i got pee pee all over my tights!" I tried to console her and said, "well, just pull them up for now and you can change as soon as you get home." I remembered having a similar conversation with my mother when i was about 4 and couldn't hold it until we got home.... She pulled them up and them i helped her wash her hands and we went back just in time for her dad to pick her up. WOW. NOT what i thought i'd ever have to do as a sunbeam teacher. I thought her dad would laugh or something when i told him but he just looked at me really strangely and said, oh okay. Weird. Anyway.. that's my story. I'm sorry i didn't tell it better.


Tara said...

*hehe* no, I mean HAHA!
I can just imagine you there.

Well, you have seen me "in action", so, that's all I have to say. :)

you are a good teacher sister heinzen

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

that's only funny because you don't have any kids and you don't have to deal with tiny bodily functions all the time anyway. i like this story. atleast she didn't pee all over your hands like kora did a few weeks ago when she was at the doctor and i was helping her pee in a cup. that was pretty exciting.

Stephanie Kelly said...

haha that is a fun story, b/c we all know cleaning up pee is fun... and I love how the dad was weird about it. It must of happend before.

Stephanie Kelly said...

haha that is a fun story, b/c we all know cleaning up pee is fun... and I love how the dad was weird about it. It must of happend before.

Stephanie Kelly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stephanie Kelly said...

aaaa sorry I got impatient with my computer and hit the publish your comment button too many times!

Unknown said...


Addison took a nap with me the other day and peed on me while we slept. It was so great to wake up wet with someone else's urine. But hey, pee's the least disgusting of all of the bodily functions if you ask me. I've had them all on me at one time or antoher.... eeeewwwwwww.

Vagabond Mother said...

Other children's pee is infinitely worse. You are one brave soul and that father is a retard. Gosh damn! Why can't people understand that maybe they should be kind and grateful to the people who watch your children at church?!!?!?! His child peed on you!!!!!

molly said...

good practice is all i have to say!

T said...

You are an exceptional sunbeam teacher! I remember the good ole days when Travis and I were the sunbeam are a trooper!

Vagabond Mother said...

They tried to make me go to Sunbeams, but I said, "No no no!"