Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Lack of Posting...

I'm sitting here at my desk at work and it's 8:27. The sad thing is.... i know i'll be here until at LEAST 10pm. How ANNOYING, right? Anyway... i know it's no excuse for not posting but i'm using it anyway because by the time i get home or rather... the place that is unoccupied and undecorated that will be my home in two DAYS place which also does not have my husband in it yet because he's still at my REAL home... Anyway... by the time i get there all i'll do is sleep for 6 hours and return back to work. While all of this sounds terrible... from what the other employees that are here are telling me is that this is NOTHING compared to summer. It's like that for months. I don't know if i can take this... My job is NOT the most important thing on the earth... my FAMILY is.... so why do i spend so much time here? What is the point? Will it hurt my marriage at some point? I hate this. That's all... just wanted to rant while i'm doing nothing at work but forced to stay here. DUMB.


Stephanie Kelly said...

Art is obviously your true talent and you must magnifie (did I even spell that right?)your talents. But Family does come first. And especially your marriage with your adorable chubby husband (and I can say that because I have an adorable chubby husband.)Maybe you will find a happy medium? All I can say (promise, not trying to be a cheese ball) just follow your heart. And perhaps maybe this job is making you realize what is most important to you in your life. Ok haha if that made any sense? Anywho keep working hard your will figure things ya doll.

Tara said...

That just sucks. And you don't even have a 401K. Like Jessica, you are doing something difficult but you know you should be doing because of how you felt when you prayed about it. (but what Jess is doing is harder, don't want to downplay her situation, sorry Jess!) Anyway, hang in there, you will know when enough is enough. Or at least you will figure out what creative strategies you need to take to survive your "special" boss and keep that chubby hubby of yours #1. (he had better be treating you like you are #1!) Love you!

btw-you know you could have stayed here, or I could have gone and taken stuff to your appartment for you! Seriously sister, if you ever need ANYTHING, call me!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

hmm...pray about it? i don't know, i like what the tolands said about this job helping you to know what's most important. it doesn't mean you shouldn't HAVE this job, it's just making you realize other things.

Unknown said...

Awe. Sad. I know what you mean, unfortunately. It's a hard balance to find. Love you!

Drew said...
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Drew said...

Hello, I'm glad I found your blog, even though it was NOT linked on your art blog.

I know what you mean, things taking precedence over the things in your life that are definitely more important. It's hard to find the balance, especially since work and such ARE necessary in this day and age.

Vagabond Mother said...

At least it is your job and not your shady, dying mind that is keeping you from your family.

Glad you survived this week. Always keep job browsing, I think. Maybe it will be easier when Enos has his job too? Or. . . harder? Yuck. This month is really crazy for you guys- too many things that each their own can make you cry. Wedding, ear trip, moving, bleh. Give Geoffrey a hug for me.

raschel said...

It's been a week and a day now since this post. Not that I'm counting... :) I hope things are better now!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

yeah...what the crap is up with no posting? i thought ur internet came on wed????? it's almost been a week since then. wake up freak.