Friday, January 9, 2009

Update on my feelings...

okay so i realize today how emotional i was being yesterday....that's not to say that i don't struggle with what i talked about but still... i feel better because of all of your comments AND because i have a wonderful husband who talked to me immediately after reading the post and told me things that i needed to hear. Just thought i'd update you all so you don't think i'm a pathetic depressed loser. HA... no but seriously.


Laurie said...

Oh believe me, we ALL have off days. Oh yes... and I think you express it much more gracefully than I ever could.

Someone passed this hilarious "Photoshop tutorial" on to me, and so I'm passing it on to you, because as cheesy as this sounds, humor is often times the best medicine... and this is HILARIOUS. (You may have already seen these; this is just one in a series. SO funny.)

Unknown said...

Enos is the hero! I love Enos.