Friday, April 3, 2009

Family Photo Op

ignore the double chin.. i'm working on it.. and why am i always wearing this sweater every time my picture is taken? maybe because it gives me confidence... take that, WORLD.

"what? did someone say something?"

daydreaming about dental school

daydreaming about formula

delicious toes.

enos-smiling at nothing.

yep... he's real.


Vagabond Mother said...

I still can't believe he is real. . . maybe one day.

Sorry I got in a facebook fight- those are the most pathetic of all fights, you know?

Lindsay said...

whatever!!! that was awesome.. you said everything i WANTED to say but didn't have the courage to... i'm glad you put kevin in his place. HAH :) but i wanted to sound neutral... did i?

Vagabond Mother said...

Who is Kevin? If he has a kid, then I don't care. But if he doesn't, wth?

You sounded neutral and cool. Seriously, I don't even care. It must have hit me just right. He was being a tool- not just saying, "Hey, well, there's another side to it too." He was strange and a little rude. But that's facebook for you. Strange little land.

Tara said...

I'm curious now, what you guys are talking about with fb? Janae is the best with words, I have to go see what she wrote just to make my sick-child-saturday-sucks day. :) And my fav pic is Lucas daydreaming. SO SWEET!!! Those lips kill me!

Unknown said...

I love these pictures! The best is the last one with the perfect caption!!

That Facebook fight was CEE-RAZY! I almost got involved, but I saw where it was going. Plus, I didn't want to be on Janea's bad side. I don't even know her, but I get the sense that I don't want to do that.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

facebook fight? this sounds interesting.

u always wear that sweater because i always wear that flowerdy green shirt. it fits and it covers the parts we want covered.

i'm getting id of mine. what about u?