Friday, April 3, 2009

We went shopping tonight....

......poor lucas didn't survive.
(hey jessica, remember when we'd put our barbies in this position and say,
"i promise, i DIDN'T do it!")


llcall said...

LOL! nice outfit! no wonder, he's pouty :)

Tara said...

Eddie is going nuts, "baby Lucas, baby Lucas....MOM! Yook!!!!!...Baby Lucas...(etc, it goes on and on)"

Lucas is pretty dang cute. The leg warmers are actually ok..... for now. :)

Staci said...

LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! He looks like a lil bum...pretty cool rocker bum.

Unknown said...

I LOOOOOVE his outfit!! He's so precious!

Laura said...

Our first baby always slept like that cept we called it the "freeze, dirtbag!" position.

David and Teresa said...

Hey a question...who is the father of all the sonogram babies...I figure the father is the same man because all the babies look ALIKE!!! Would the real father of all my 3 grandchildren please stand up.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

mother just wants to know who the father is because she wants a piece of action too...

i DO remember saying that, i didn't do it!! i swear i didn't do it!!