Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lucas' Cartoon Debut

So he has this new trick....

...i couldn't get him to do it on video... so until i do.. THIS will have to do. Enjoy!

Summer.... HAH.


David and Teresa said...

That was awesome Lindsay. Way to get her back Lucas. Love Dad

David and Teresa said...

How did you do those cool sound effects. Was some of that really Lucas? Dad

Sabra said...

Linds, you're amazing.

***** said...

YEA! HOORAY! I knew you could do it! I should dare you more often for random stuff. The girlies wanted to watch it over and over so it ended up being about two minutes. Thanks pretty!

Tara said...

is there anything cooler and more awesomer than an artistic mother like you? I can't wait for the kids to wake up and watch this, they LOVED your last cartoon, they are going to die with this one. I can't wait to see this in action! Lucas is brilliant, and he will be the biggest comedian in the family with you and enos for parents. He will keep everyone smiling for sure! love you!

Goodnight moon said...

So cool!!!! I love it!!!! How long did that take you to do though? It seems like it would take FOREVER!

Drew said...

OMG... That was the most amazing thing I've seen all day. And in many days.

Candace said...

Oh my gosh, that was awesome! Noah, my one year old, LOVED it! He was just sitting here all enthralled and then laughed so hard at the end. So I just played it for him five times in a row. :) Great job!!

Vagabond Mother said...

Raymond and Henry laughed their heads off. Good work! I think the sound effects made it. So cool.

David and Teresa said...

I am still watching it and laughing. Dad P.S. I showed Trey and Diana and they both thought it was funny too.

Aymee said...

This is fabulous. I keep watching it over and over. Once again I covet your skills also.

Angela said...

Ok this is when I wish I had your artistic ability because I don't know if Lucas does this but Luke always stares at the camera instead of doing the thing I want him to do.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

it's Looooooooovely! i think you should make a whole blog of just these for people to get their babies on their laps and have them watch it.

summer dares ppl to do lots of stuff. one time she dared me to moon her neighbor. i won't tell you how that turned out.

raschel said...

i'm jealous of your talent.

Kristen said...

OMG that was soooo cute :) Love it!!

Unknown said...

I love that you can just whip this up! SO CUTE! I wish I could see it in person. I juuuuuust missed it!

Unknown said...


Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

so i watched it again and didn't realize it had sound. much b etter. if thats possible.