Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Peanut: The boy with many faces

k... i did the dishes.

m' boy.

And now for another exerpt of... Emotions.. starring Peanut Heinzen.

".. and i was like... WOW THIS IS EXCITING!..."

"no.. i got my fingers... i'm good."

"well of COURSE i love you...."

"firstly.. because you are wonderful..."

"...just please never leave me!!!!"

The end.


Enos Heinzen said...

I like how in the last pic, the nut is sweetly nestled against your side boob. :)

Tara said...

I LOOOOOOVE conversations with Peanut! Keep 'em coming.

*and you should see the stuff on Bill's camera. I can't wait to get it all on the computer. I have not blogged because I have just a few other pressing issues..... and no pictures. K, love you, thanks for being one of like 2 people who still check my blog and miss me!

Angela said...

oh peanut! i miss you so! i guess i miss your parents too... ;)

David and Teresa said...

Love the Owls! Love that boy also. Dad

Emily said...

I hope I can be as entertaining as you when the baby comes!

Kristen said...

Ahhhh . . . soooo cute :)

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

the owl pictures look much better with the sink included.

peanut is mine and oh so divine. remind him of me and smooch on his behind.

like that?

Unknown said...

SO SWEET! I love his poking out lip in the sad pic! He's a doll. Makes me happy!! :)

Stephanie Kelly said...

Oh my gosh I really need to see that ball of cute-nessss before you leave or I WILL DIE!