Thursday, September 10, 2009


the boys (minus lucas.. poor guy slept a lot)

the girls (look at them WORK the camera)

i guess they learned it from their mothers.
(me, stacy, rachel)

rachel and audrey (lucas' girlfriend of the moment)

the coolest part of the zoo. he got SO close i could touch him. except for the glass in our way... *sigh*.. nothing will stop our love Bear... not even plexi-glass


David and Teresa said...

Looks like loads of fun with friends. Love Dad

David and Teresa said...

Pooh...I love that you are taking my Lucas to the zoo. We always went to the zoo in the spring and the fall (remember) and I LOVE THE ZOO!!!. THanks for the picture of the bear because the bears are my very favorite. He looks like a grizzly. Yes? No? Anyway I want to go with you to the zoo someday again. This post made me cry because of the memories it brought back. Silly me. Love Mutha

Unknown said...

LOVE the pics (even though I am jealous that they don't include me)! And you're lookin' super cute, lady!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

so now I feel like a crap mutha after reading MY mutha's comment because we dont' have a zoo here and so i can't take my heathens. maybe i'll travel for 4 hours and visit the zoo.