Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Very Politicat

Geoffrey likes to research the candidates before he votes... although i tell him he needs to do more than rely on the media.... but he doesn't listen to me.


Tara said...

Oh my gosh, that is funny! He looks glued to the TV..... just like Enos. :) Shoot, I missed Palin's speech, not that it would matter, ugh. I wonder what the cat thinks? I'll vote with him.

Vagabond Mother said...
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Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

no good that palin? hmmm.. i was kinda likin her from all the talk. i wonder what geoff thinks bout it.

raschel said...

i liked her. i bet geoffrey thinks she's hot, he looks mesmerized. ;)

Unknown said...

LOOOOOOVED HER! Good job telling the kitty not to listen to the MSM. Bastards. ;)

David and Teresa said...

I loved the pic of my grandkitty watching Sara Palin. I hope he has registered to vote because we need all the help we can get.
Teresa and Mutha

PS the belly dancing sounds fun. One of our receptionists at Restland is a belly dancer also, Pooh.

Tara said...

OBAMA 2008!

*sorry, I couldn't help myself.