Monday, December 1, 2008


Welp... this is a short but important post but i just wanted to announce to everyone (because a LOT of people aren't answering their phones right now...turds) that ENOS got accepted to dental school in Pomona, CA via phone call from the dean not long ago. WE'RE GOING TO DENTAL SCHOOL!!!!!! YAY!!!... what a HUGE weight off of our shoulders. I love you enos!!! and i'm so proud of you! i knew you could do it! (we still haven't heard back from Indiana....but we'll let you know).


Carolina said...

congratulations!!! That is awesome!!
My cousin went through this just a couple of years ago...and now her husband has happily opened his own dental office!
Good luck to the two of you!!

Vagabond Mother said...


My WILDEST DREAMS have come TRUE!!!! Lover! We will only be five hours from you! I suspect lot of trips with LOTS of little boys! Yeah!

Congratulations! I am so proud of Enos! Please pick Pomona no matter what! Sweet!

Christie C said...

Congratulations! Hope we can get together sometime before you guys move!

David and Teresa said...

Yahoo!!!!!! The teeth pulling has begun. Way to go Enos!!!!! Dad, David, Paw Paw, and Father-in-law

raschel said...

YAY! how exciting! congrats!

Zinser Photography said...

We never doubted he could do it. We are so excited for you. We sure love you guys.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

YAY but i hope u go to indiana so u can spend a week or so with me when austin deploys!!!!!

Mom said...

That's awesome! Congratulations! Enjoy life in LA! :)

Shawners said...

sa-weet! Enos is so rad

llcall said...

very exciting, indeed. tell enos, congratulations! you know pomona is like in my parents' backyard...if their backyard extended for 23.8 miles. and since we are headed no where fast, maybe we'll move in with them after hang out with you.

what an exciting prospect!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! (but I hate you.)

Love you! (but I hate you.)