Monday, December 1, 2008

No more bellies.

I'm just using this post to tell you all that i will no longer be giving belly updates... i'm sorry. I can't... well... i CAN but i'd probably break down and cry soooo.... don't ask. I MIGHT (that's a very slim might) post one last one before we go to the hospital to deliver but besides that... i'm done. My face is marshmellow-y and i've gained WAY too much weight to be proud of. That's all... here's a picture to remember me by....


Vagabond Mother said...

By the looks of this picture, you just need to drink some more water.

Unknown said...

ah come on. I want some more belly pictures. Though I have to feel for you because I hated taking pictures while I was prego. I miss you!!!

Sandy said...

You are too cute! You don't look like you've gained anything but baby weight - you look great! Amy's gained over 30 lbs. and she's due in 7 weeks! I think she'll be gaining even more!
Congrats on Enos getting accepted into Dental school! Amazing blessing! We are thrilled for you!
Sandy and Pat Dell

mica said...


raschel said...

stop it. that's not fair. i kept posting pictures for you. i remember feeling like you feel right now, but i PROMISE, you are all belly! it's the cutest thing!

don't say never. :( i'm sad. i love babies and bellies.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

was it my comment that spawned this rebellion? i hope not. no matter HOW u feel or look please do document ur progress. i'm really bummed that i didn't document jake OR kora's belly which is why i continued to doc isaak's no matter my hugeness.

Mom said...

LOL, feeling like a beached whale?! jk! For you that's impossible. But I know very few gals who actually like their pics being taken while pregnant.

llcall said...

thanks for the pic...this is how i'll always think of you. haha.

but let me ask this...will you still be seeing people in person? like when i finish my classes next week, can i come up and have lunch with you?

Unknown said...

I love this picture of you. And I told Pearson this was you when he wandered up and goes, "Mom! Who is that big naked lady on your computer?!"

David and Teresa said...

Maybe if you had taken that picture of yourself sitting sideways you wouldn't look so big and maybe if you were wearing more clothes you wouldn't look so big and maybe if your little butt was not hanging over the sides of the chair you wouldn't look so big.

Maybe maybe maybe...hmmm....sorry. You do not look that big Lindsay but I remember "feeling" THAT big when I was pregant but I will tell you what my mom told me, "Enjoy this time while you are pregnant." Yeah right mother!!

Love you

David and Teresa said...

One more thing, I feel sorry for that girl that looks like you pregnant. Just think you really are not that chubby but she is.:(