Monday, January 12, 2009

The days of yore....

Enos has this friend at work that was cleaning out her old place and found these toys almost never touched. She decided to give them to us... they also just so happened to be two toys that i placed with as a baby! I LOVED these two toys... i remember spending HOURS (or at least what felt like hours) listening to my "records" and twisting the buttons so my favorite characters would come out... i love that Lucas will get to play with these TOO now. How cool, right? Thanks Jodi!


Laurel said...

I remember buying these two toys for my kids and they did get played with over and over. I can't wait to see your Lucas in person, not just his mother's cute renderings of him!

Anonymous said...

I miss that record player :( it was my favorite toy too!!

Megan said...

OMG I so had those toys too! They are the best! :)

Sarah Heder said...

Oh my gosh, we had that record player as kids too. You got a vintage toy! Lucky!

David and Teresa said...

Now Lucas can have fun just like my little Lindsay did. Go Lucas! Dad

Unknown said...

(In my best Napoleon Dynamite:) LUCK-eeeeee!

Amanda said...

I want those! What a great find!!!!

David and Teresa said...

you girls wore that little record player OUT!!! How fun. It is fun for me to have some of the toys you girls played with at our house and now your children are playing with them. I am talking about the little potato heads and the little people. Love you...Mutha

Carolina said...

Wow...that took me back!! Is it possible I had forgotten the shear joy of the record player??


Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

yea i want that record player too. i loved that thing and i spent hours watching it trying to figure out how it worked.

raschel said...

i'm jealous!! i loved those toys! i used to speed up the record player by turning the records as fast as i could. i thought it was awesome.

Zinser Photography said...

I wish I had one of those record players. I wonder what ever happened to the one we had as kids. hhmmmm...