Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Chubby Chatter.

welp, most of you know i spoke at my graduation 3 years ago.... and now my twin husband is speaking at HIS this April!!! WAY TO GO BOTTOM!!.... (that's what i call him) Just thought you all should know how wonderful and fantastic he is. (yes i know those words mean the same thing but he deserves them both don't know ENOS like i do!!) He told the interviewer that he "wasn't a very good speaker" but apparently the interviewer heard something like this, "I heart BYU and need to talk at graduation because i ROCK." well "your you go." (


Tara said...

Yay Enos! Of COURSE Enos ROCKS, what else does he do? It's what he's good at! (oh ya, and farting)

I love you brother! muah, muah, muah!

Tara said...

Also, I just put a post about Enos on my blog. I stole a picture from this one, but if you don't like it, send me a better one and I will switch it out. Love you guys!

Stephanie Kelly said...

I already congrat's Enos on Bill and Tara's blog...b/c I saw hers first...But Congrats again Enos for being a smarty pants...finishing school (something I hope to someday do)!

Stephanie Kelly said...

Oh sad lil' mouse

Unknown said...

That's so awesome! GO ENOS! May I ask what is the dealio with the mouse?

Vagabond Mother said...

I now understand Enos and his views on reproducing. Nothing "special" about a uterus.

P.S. Congrats! Now I'm even more stressed out to sit through graduation. Two babies AND Enos on the stage? Oh boy!

And I was no where near the stage when I graduated, so Andrew and I are twins too!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

i feel sorry for those creatures. the ones that had to speak at graduation. i think i might pee my pants. oh and for rats, they're nice.