Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Story of Menstruation

I happened upon this video after checking stuff out on snopes.. It was produced by Disney in 1946 and it's pretty funny. Check it out HERE.


Vagabond Mother said...

Ray watched the whole thing and at the end, said, "Night night baby."

It helped me out. I should be more even-tempered. I'm so glad I don't menstruate myself.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

as stupid as this may sound, i've never COMPLETELY understood the whole process and now I do. i like the girl riding her bike and, heaven forbid, EXCERCISING while mestruating. thanks for sharing. if you need any KY you know i'll always share :)

Tara said...

Ha! this is great Lindsay! No really, it's great. Very simple. I watched it with Jade in mind, and I'm going to have her watch it in the next day or so. She will get better educated later, but this is a great basic intro. I have explained alot already to her, but this really spells it out in the most basic terms. I am laughing that you shared this with humor in mind, but I see it as a great help with Jade. Thanks!

Vagabond Mother said...

I think it would be a great help for Mica too.

mica said...

That was 10 minutes and 15 seconds well spent! I loved the part where the narrator says we have to live with people...and ourselves.

Stephanie Kelly said...

haha that was too cute... loved it!! especially the part were she was exercising, I mean seriously who wants to exercise when they are all cramped up. I know when I am cramping, exercising is the last thing I want to do. And I guess I better fix the slouching too...no one wants constipation!

Tara said...

haha, I had Jade watch it. Too funny. She said it was "very clear and (she) understands better, but it was just so wierd at the same time!" She asked if it was true about good posture, I told her yes. Anything to get her to try and stand taller. :) Girls are so fun!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

i haven't had a period in so long i forget what happens so i had to watch it again just for a refresher.