Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Forgotten picture...

just the ol' family latherin' up the boy so he doesn't become a BAKED bean. Enos' dad was so excited to take Lucas to his company picnic... apparently he was a hit. :)


Vagabond Mother said...

Oooo, I'd be proud of Lucas too. He looks like the perfect accessory. I wonder what Enos would look like in that bjorn.

I also think every baby needs at least three people taking care of it.

You should call me sometime- I'd tell you all my new secrets.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

uhmm...whats up with all the sticky post it's in the background? is that what i'm destined to become? that makes me nervous.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

oh and the little waffle if yummy looking in that hat.

Unknown said...

I can't imagine why he'd be popular... it's not like he's INCREDIBLY handsome and charming to the point of being ADDICTIVE or anything... ugh. Send him to me...