Saturday, August 29, 2009

not that anyone cares but...

i bought this shirt online with the money i have (which i dont have, actually)....

and i just got it in the mail today.... but i just got a stain on it. Thanks delicious burrito... and thanks online band store.


Goodnight moon said...

Okay, so is it just me, but I seriously don't understand what your saying? You bought this with YOUR money? Isn't that how you normally buy things? And I don't get the saying on the shirt either? I guess its cause I don't live in San Fran?!?

Unknown said...

Ugh, that is SO something I would do! I loooove that shirt! What site did you get it from?

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

what is the skyline? i'm confused. i wish i had a burrito right now.